Thursday, August 2, 2012

Internal affairs

Is religious freedom solely or primarily an "internal affair" not to be interfered with?

The People's Republic of China would like to have the world know that it answers that in the affirmative.

But who is interfering with the "internal affairs" of the world's most populous nation (and the United States largest trading partner), if not the PRC itself?

If vested as well as interested partners cannot speak up (and heavens, point to weaknesses that may effect current as well as future relationships) then who can?

Does the PRC seriously believe that it can bully the world just as it continues to bully its own people?

The U.S. State Department's most recent report on the declining state of religious freedom worldwide can be found here.

For informational purposes only.

The fine print:

Your agenda is your own affair unless it interferes with mine.

Please pray, spout, pontificate, gripe, complain, meditate as you will and as often as you like.

But let us be loving, most often, as well as ultimately.

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